Find games, make friends, worry less

Play the sport you love

The social app for sports

Create your game

Whether it’s pickup or a tournament, you can make your game on kalico for free

Invite your friends

Get your friends together and have them join your game! Sit in the shade and wait your turn. We’ll let you know when you’re up.

Find places to play

Looking for the best places to play? Stop googling and check it out here first.

Fight over who’s next

Or, ya know, don’t! When playing pickup, it’s not always easy to coordinate. With Kalico, you don’t need to fight over who’s next. We’ll take care of that for you.

Stop missing league signups!

We always forget to check every website for upcoming leagues and tournaments, so we decided to make our site do that too.

Check for your upcoming events on Kalico


What sports do you support?

All of them! Since we’re volleyball and tennis players, we wanted to start with those in mind, but we think the same sorts of problems exist in most team sports. If you’re having an issue using us for your sport, let us know and we’ll try to improve it!

How much is it?

Right now, everything is totally free, and we want things to pretty much stay that way. Create your games, invite people, search for existing games - go crazy.

But of course, we the founders would love to work on this full time, and to do that, we’ll some day need money. In the worst case, we might eventually charge for cool new features or else add in some low friction ads, but our goal is to make the pickup game better for everyone, and we don’t believe that comes through big pay walls to our athletes.

Wait, so you host tournaments?

We have! But that’s not our end goal. We built a tournament feature as just one of many ways to get users on our app. In fact, you can host tournaments for free with it, whether you’re just hosting for friends or running a league.

We’re not trying to compete in that space. We just want to help keep the game going smoothly.

Is this just an Austin thing?

Nope! There’s nothing stopping you from using us wherever you are. We live in Austin, and since we’re just really getting started, that’s where we’re focusing on marketing. We’d love to expand anywhere there’s one person trying to kick, hit, shoot, or throw a ball past another.

Do you track stats?

Yes and no! Right now, we have a stats tab that will show you your wins and losses, but in the future that will be purely optional. We love the idea that you can track your stats if you want to. We also know stats don’t matter to everyone. It should be up to you!

Get ready to play!